Namaz Times FAQs

· How do I activate my copy of Jamat Times?

  • Right Click on the Clock to display the System Menu and choose the Activate option.
  • Enter the key you was given when you purchased your license and click Activate.
  • This key is only valid for the PC this copy of the software was installed on.
  • If you install the software on another PC then you will need to purchase a new license.

· How do I get next year's Islamic Calander?

  • Go to the DOWNLOAD pages to purchase the calendar.
  • The clendar will be emailed to you in a file as an attachment. You will need to supply your installation key
  • .
  • Once you receive the calendar file, save it to the installation folder
  • Run the program, Right-Click the Clock and select Configuration

  • Select Enter Times

  • In the Top Right Hand of the screen, you will see the option to: Import a New Islamic Calendar from a File

  • Enter the file name or click on the Browse button to locate the file
  • Click on the Import button to import the new Islamic calendar
Alternatively, you can import the calendar from a CSV file that you can compile. In the application folder, you will see a template file, calendar_import.csv, open this file using Microsoft Excel or a text editor. Microsoft Excel would be the better option if you have access to a copy.

For date, enter the following information:
  • Column A - Julian Date (in dd/mm/yyyy format)
  • Column B - Day of Islamic Date
  • Column C - Month of Islamic Date
  • Column D - Year of Islamic Date
  • Column E - Time of Prayer 1 (in 24 hour DECIMAL format, for example 1:30pm would be entered 13.30)
  • Column F - Time of Prayer 2
  • Column G - Time of Prayer 3
  • Column H - Time of Prayer 4
  • Column I - Time of Prayer 5
  • Column J - Time of Prayer 6
Once you have entered the desired number of dates, save the file (as something different to avoid overwriting the template file). Then follow the guide above on how to import the calendar and select the file you have just saved.

· How do I update the prayer times?

· How much does Jamet Times cost?
